About ISPEC 2025

The 20th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC 2025) will be held on November 7-9, 2025 in Chengdu, organized by University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China and IEEE Reliability Society. The ISPEC conference is an established forum that brings together researchers and practitioners to provide a confluence of new information security technologies, including their applications and their integration with IT systems in various vertical sectors. The main goal of the conference is to promote research on new information security technologies, including their applications and their integration with IT systems in various vertical sectors. Previous ISPEC has taken place in Singapore (2005), Hangzhou, China (2006), Hong Kong (2007), Sydney, Australia (2008), Xi'an, China (2009), Seoul, Korea (2010), Guangzhou, China (2011), Hangzhou, China (2012), Lanzhou, China (2013), Fuzhou, China (2014), Beijing, China (2015), Zhangjiajie, China (2016), Melbourne, Australia (2017), Tokyo, Japan (2018), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2019), Nanjing, China (2021) , Taiwan (2022), Copenhagen, Denmark (2023) and Wuhan, China (2024). For all sessions, the conference proceedings were published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

Organized by:

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

IEEE Reliability Society

Keynote Speakers

Note: The order of speakers is sorted according to the alphabetical order of surname.

Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Professor
Affiliation: University of Oklahoma, United States

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Mohammed Atiquzzaman obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Electronics from the University of Manchester (UK), and BS from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He holds the Edith Kinney Gaylord Presidential Professorship and the Hitachi Chair Professorship in the School of Computer Science at the University of Oklahoma and is a life member of IEEE.

Dr. Atiquzzaman is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Networks and Computer Applications, founding Editor-in-Chief of Vehicular Communications, former co-editor-in-chief of Computer Communication, and has served/serving on the editorial boards of many highly-ranked journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE JSAC, IEEE Communications Magazine, and International Journal on Wireless and Optical Communications. He also guest-edited 12 special issues in various journals.

He has served as symposium co-chair for many IEEE Globecom and IEEE ICC conferences and co-chair of the IEEE High Performance Switching and Routing Symposium. He was the Workshop Chair of Globecom 2022 and panels co-chair of INFOCOM'05 and is/has been on the program committee of numerous conferences, such as INFOCOM, ICCCN, and Local Computer Networks.

He serves on the review panels of funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation, National Research Council (Canada) and Australian Research Council (Australia). In recognition of his contribution to NASA research, he received the NASA Group Achievement Award for "outstanding work to further NASA Glenn Research Center's effort in the area of Advanced Communications/Air Traffic Management's Fiber Optic Signal Distribution for Aeronautical Communications" project. He received the IEEE 2023 Internet of Things, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Technical Achievement Award for valuable contributions to the Internet of

Things, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks scientific community, the IEEE 2018 Satellite and Space Communications Technical Recognition Award for valuable contributions to the Satellite and Space Communications scientific community, the IEEE 2017 Distinguished Technical Achievement Award in recognition of outstanding technical contributions and services in the area of communications switching and routing, and the IEEE 2020 Distinguished Service Award in recognition of outstanding service for the benefit and advancement of the IEEE Communications Society. Dr. Atiquzzaman received the IEEE Fred W. Ellersick Prize for his paper entitled "Evaluation of SCTP for Space Networks". He has been invited to deliver keynote talks at over 40 international conferences around the globe, including USA, Brazil, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Australia, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Korea.

His research interests include satellite communications, wireless and mobile networks, vehicular networks, ad hoc networks, Quality of Service, and optical communications. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), U.S. Air Force, Cisco, Honeywell, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, and Oklahoma Highway Safety Office. He has over 450 refereed technical publications, many of which can be accessed at www.cs.ou.edu/~atiq.

Shui Yu, Professor
University of Technology Sydney, Australia

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Shui Yu is Professor of the School of Computer Science in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at UTS, the Deputy Chair of the UTS Research Committee, and is a researcher of cybersecurity, privacy and the networking, communication aspects of Big Data, and applied mathematics for computer science.

In 2013, he initiated a new field, networking for big data, in the networking and communication domain. Shui was the leading editor of Networking for Big Data, published in 2015, which supplied an unprecedented look at cutting-edge research on the networking and communication aspects of Big Data.

Many of his research outputs have been adopted by industry, for example, the auto scale strategy of Amazon Cloud against distributed denial-of-service attacks.

As the corporate world has increasingly adopted new technologies to analyze and store vast amounts of data in a bid to generate valuable insights and unlock strategic value, Shui has concentrated on the privacy and security concerns associated with big data.

Among other issues, he has researched security issues associated with smart grids, which present opportunities to help solve the problems of carbon emissions and the energy crisis.

He has also investigated creating anonymous transactions on Blockchain to deal with threats to users' privacy. His anonymous communication work for web browsing privacy has been cited by more than 200 US patents.

He has published two monographs and edited two books, and produced more than 600 technical papers, published in top journals such as IEEE TPDS, TC, TIFS, TMC, TKDE, TETC, ToN, and INFOCOM. His h-index is 80.

Shui serves his research communities in various roles, including serving on the editorial boards of IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Communications Magazine and the IEEE Internet of Things Journal, among others.

He has been a member of organizing committees for many international conferences, such as the publication chair for IEEE Globecom 2015, IEEE INFOCOM 2016 and 2017, TPC chair for IEEE Big Data Service 2015, and general chair for ACSW 2017.

He served as a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Communications Society (2018-2021). He is a Distinguished Visitor of IEEE Computer Society (2022-2024), a voting member of IEEE ComSoc Educational Services board, and an elected member of Board of Governors of IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, respectively. He is a Fellow of IEEE.

Call For Papers

Authors are invited to submit full papers presenting new research results related to information security technologies and applications. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Cryptology
  • Applied cryptography
  • Mobile security
  • Cloud security
  • Access control
  • Privacy enhanced technology
  • Viruses and malware
  • Software security
  • Database security
  • Web security
  • Operating system security
  • Intrusion detection
  • Big data security and privacy
  • Biometric Security
  • Implementation
  • Network security
  • Key management
  • Security and privacy in ubiquitous computing
  • Formal methods for security
  • Digital forensics
  • Security for critical infrastructures
  • Embedded systems security
  • Lightweight security
  • Smart grid security
  • Cyber security for urban transportation
  • Cyber-physical security
  • Cryptocurrency

Important Dates

Paper submission June 30, 2025
Acceptance Notification July 31, 2025
Camera-ready Version August 15, 2025

Author Instructions

Authors are invited to submit original papers: they must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors have published elsewhere or have submitted in parallel to any other conferences that have proceedings or any journal. The submission must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious references. Original contributions are invited up to 16 pages in length (single column) excluding appendices and bibliography and up to 20 pages in total, using at least 11-point fonts and with reasonable margins. Submissions not meeting the submission guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

ISPEC 2025 Submission Link
(Under Construction)

Organising Committee

Honorary Co-Chairs

Robert H. Deng, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Zhiguang Qin, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

General Co-Chairs

Zhen Qin, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Kuo-Hui Yeh, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Technical Program Co-Chairs

Hu Xiong, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Mohammed Atiquzzaman, University of Oklahoma, United States
Lu Zhou, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Workshop Co-Chairs

Zhen Ling, Southeast University, China
Lei Zhang, East China Normal University, China
Yi He, Guiyang University, China

Panel Co-Chairs

Xuyun Nie, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Zhe Liu, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Liming Fang, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Poster Co-Chairs

Jun Shao, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China

Local Arrangement Co-Chairs

Chaosheng Feng, Sichuan Normal University, China

Publication Chair

Erqiang Zhou, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Zengpeng Li, Shandong University, China

Publicity Co-Chairs

Fuhu Deng, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Weizhi Meng, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Chunhua Su, University of Aizu, Japan
Han-Chieh Chao, Fo Guang University, Taiwan
Yong Xiang, Deakin University, Australia
Yingjiu Li, University of Oregon, US

Special Session Co-Chair

Weizheng Wang, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Web Chair

Ye Xia, Univesity of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Execution Co-Chair

Dequan Xu, Guizhou University, China

Accepted Papers

Registratioin is under construction and will be announced later.

Overseas participants should check if they need to apply for a Chinese visa.

In 2025, China has expanded its visa-free access to additional countries. Building on last year's inclusion of France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Malaysia, the list now also includes Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Australia, and Poland.

Moreover, citizens of the following 54 countries and regions can enjoy a 144-hour visa-free transit policy when visiting Chengdu(via Tianhe Airport): Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, Russia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Albania, Belarus, Norway, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Brunei, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar.

To the best of our knowledge, to enjoy the 144-hour visa-free transit policy: 1) the passport must have a minimum validity of 3 months; 2) no previous record of being denied a Chinese visa; 3) the departure location before arriving in Chengdu and the destination after leaving Chengdu must be in different countries or regions (e.g. from Tokyo to Chengdu and from Chengdu to Hong Kong).

Important: the above information only indicates that you may not need a Visa to visit Chengdu, but please double check the Visa policy from an official source before making your travel arrangement!

If you need an invitation letter to support your visa application, please contact the Local Arrangement Co-Chair Dr.Chaosheng Feng(email: csfenggy@sicnu.edu.cn)

Tour is under construction and will be announced later

Venue is under construction and will be announced later.

UESTC UESTC-SISE IEEE Reliability Society